Tips to Brighten Your Smile

01 March 2019

Have you ever wondered if your teeth are white enough? You aren’t alone – many adults feel their teeth are dull and could use some improvement. However, most adults are not sure what to use or how to give themselves a brighter smile. With an endless supply of whitening toothpaste and strip choices, it can become overwhelming fast. Most adults are not even sure where to start or where to invest their money.

The dental team at East Erie Dental works with clients to achieve a whiter smile. Here are just a few tips we have passed out over the years.

Watch What You Eat and Drink

A brighter smile begins with what you put into your mouth. Food and drinks can stain your teeth, reducing your white smile. While the main culprits are red wine and coffee, foods like blueberries can also have staining potential.

Don’t worry – you don’t have to ditch your morning cup of coffee or your glass of wine with dinner. However, you should increase your water intake immediately after your glass. If you insist on drinking more than one cup of coffee or tea per day, consider drinking out of a straw so that the liquid can bypass your teeth entirely.

Brush Regularly

If you aren’t already brushing your teeth at least twice per day for at least two minutes each time, start the habit now. You can also brush your teeth after meals to not only keep a clean and healthy mouth but to also reduce staining.

Choose a Whitening Toothpaste

Most whitening toothpaste includes hydrogen peroxide, which will decrease enamel staining. While the amount of peroxide in over the counter toothpaste is only strong enough to remove stains near the surface, it is much better than nothing!

Talk to Your Dentist

During your next semi-annual checkup, talk to your hygienist and dentist about your tooth whitening questions or concerns. Your dentist can develop a plan for giving you a brighter smile and work with you to achieve your goals.

If you are searching for a dentist in the Chicago area, East Erie Dental is currently accepting new patients. We love giving our clients the best experience possible, decreasing any dental anxiety while increasing overall oral health. We would love to work with you too!

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