End of the Year Dental Tips

Now that the kids are back to school, parents have more time to focus on the upcoming last few months of the year. Scheduling in holiday activities and last minute family gatherings can put a cramp in your end of the year responsibilities. If you are wondering what you should get in your family’s calendar now, before the end of the year busyness begins, here are your must-do tasks for dental health.

End of the Year Dental Tips

Get in your second check-up

If you haven’t already had two check-ups and cleanings this year in our office, get your final one on the calendar now. Your entire family is entitled to two check-ups and cleanings per year; this twice per year practice will not only help our staff find any problems before things get painful, regular check-ups also keep your teeth healthy and strong for longer.

Your insurance allows two per year, so be sure to take advantage of this benefit. Now is a great time to demonstrate a commitment to your dental health by scheduling in your family’s appointments before things get too crazy.

Check your insurance

For many of our patients, dental insurance offers a significant savings for those who have met their deductible. Give us a call to talk about your insurance specifics, along with any bigger ticket items your dentist recommends. Now is the time to invest in teeth whitening, crowns, bridges, or other dental health service. If you aren’t sure which service may benefit you the most, contact us for an appointment to discuss your situation with our experienced dental staff.

Incorporate dental health into your routine

As extracurricular events begin and holiday invitations arrive, it can be easy to slack off on healthy dental habits. Don’t wait until the new year to make a resolution to stick with daily flossing and twice per day brushing habits. Instead, keep up your good dental hygiene throughout your busy schedule to assure you end the year with a healthy smile.

We would love to connect with you for your dental needs, including your regular check-ups, in our spa like office. Give us a call to set up an appointment. We will see you soon!